Property on Big Bass Lake Getting Scarce

Yes, property on Big Bass Lake is getting scarce to come by. Our lakefront property on our former land is just about gone with the exception of this tract of land. Our forest land is still largely unsold.

I think another area of land available on the lake is on the northeast side. Some land around the channel between Big and Little Bass Lake is still unsold. But choice lots are hard to come by. At the same time, some homeowners even on our former property are already selling their homes for whatever reasons. Perhaps drinking water is hard to come by?

I wonder how many year round residents are on Big Bass Lake as opposed to those who head south for the winter months? Leave us a comment if you know the answer to that question.

Lake Michigan Wood

I have always been fascinated by the solitary Stakes of wood in Lake Michigan assembling a one time Pier. They stand nobly taking the fury of the waves continuously throughout the years. Each storm chips off pieces of the wood until what you see is left. It’s better to look at them than to get close to them for I don’t want splinters of wood in my feet. Photographing them is fantastic as they stand upright as best they can at full attention. You find these every so often in the lake and it makes me wonder what it looked like when it was fully assembled? I wonder how many years they stood in the lake? And how many there are on the west coast of Lake Michigan? That’s what I do best by taking interesting photographs of the area.

Ludington Breakwater

This is an aerial photograph of Ludington Harbor. On the left is the famous Ludington lighthouse. It was about a quarter mile walk out to the lighthouse. It was only safe to walk that when the waves were small. It was very dangerous with high waves which would explode over the Breakwater making it very dangerous. Still some idiots tried it which made no sense to me. There are some great pictures of this area in high waves under the category Lake Michigan. I think we even have a few videos of the waves.


Have you ever picked sweet cherries at an orchard? The boys and I did at Orchards Market. We were out to make a fancy dessert for supper that night with whipped creme. But the boys ate half our pickings while picking. Donnie kept complaining about his sticky fingers. The Marion Y kids spent two hours of sticky picking and we still had enough for dessert that night. The complaint then was the pits. 

Lake Pokegama

a If you think you’re going to find Lake Pokegama in Lake County Michigan you are mistaken. In fact it isn’t even in the state of Michigan. It is located in Minnesota and it is home to Camp Mishawaka where I served as counselor in 1969. One night as I walked across the campground I looked up at the Moon and there were people on it that day looking down at me. That was the year of the Moon landing for NASA. This was the main swimming area. A week before the kids came in June there was still small pockets of snow on the ground. That camp had kids from all 50 states and four countries.


When I was a young boy this tree stood as a silent sentital over our farming acreage. It was the lone tree even though it didn’t need a mask. Now it’s not alone as it has a family of bushes around it. I wonder if they’re related to the former President? Thanks to Tom for this great picture of a tree that appears to not have aged a single day. What is its secret to its immortality? Actually, it looks better than ever.