A New Way of Tubing at Big Bass Lake

Well, what won’t they come up next with at Big Bass Lake? This takes tubing into a whole new direction. Rather than the “donut” this is more like a bench where the feet go first. And instead of lying on your stomach, you can rest on your backside.

How many other strange ways are there to have fun at Big Bass Lake with? My last time at Big Bass Lake was 1995 and I saw someone try Water Walkers which were styrafoam legs looking much like a storks. Of course the water has to be near still for those to work and one prances atop the water like a stork which requires extremely good balance.

Yet I wonder how this new form of tubing has caught on at Big Bass Lake?  And what other new conveyances are being tried out on the lake?  Let us know by way of a comment.

One thought on “A New Way of Tubing at Big Bass Lake”

  1. These towable tubes that carry multiple riders, either prone or face down are getting very popular. It’s nice to have a boat tube that carries more than one. I prefer to lay down on towable when being pulled – when I am sitting, I bounce around too much. But other really like it!
    Can see some of the best sellers here!


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