Wonderous Forest

Here is another of those unpaved roads in the Manistee National Forest that my husband, Mike, loves to journey upon.  He calls them his one tankful trips and thank goodness he sees fit to fill up the car before we head out into this forest.  For one thing, sometimes these roads lead to other unpaved roads and it seems like we’ll never find civilization again.

Yet that’s the mystique of this wonderful forest.  It seemingly never ends and one can spend a whole day traveling it and never run into a town if you plan your day well using a map.  Mike does but if something ever happened to him on one of our trips, it would take me nearly forever to navigate myself out of this forest.

I am not the best at map reading unless I am going to a CITY with stores.  Then there’s no one my equal but it amazes me how well Mike navigates the back roads of this forest.  And, he loves to explore it taking turns that he had not initially planned on taking.  But when he’s ready to stop exploring and head for home, we’re on either US 10 or 31 in a heartbeat.  It’s rather spooky how he knows all the ways back to the main highways.

Little wonder why green is Mike’s favorite color.  Mine is too but it’s the green that comes out of his wallet for me to go shopping!

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