Looking Northward on Big Bass Lake

This is the view from the top of our hill overlooking our docking area near our cottage on Big Bass Lake. It was a view that Ricky Herrmann and I took in prior to getting into our rowboat for a trip northward to our wooded beachfront.  For the entire trip there Ricky danggled his left foot out of the boat and into the water even though I joked that a fish might take his boot for some bait and latch onto him.

There’s More Than Speedboats on Big Bass Lake

As one travels about Big Bass Lake by either row or paddle boat, if you hear a honking behind you, don’t necessarily assume that a speedboat is behind you. It may be some geese who are desiring the right of way. Or maybe even a few loons. No, I’m not referring to those loonies that may be manning a speed boat, because there are more than their fair share of those out on the lake, but the bird loons.

If you really want to appreciate the birds that inhabit Big Bass Lake, you may want to confine your time to before Memorial or after Labor Day to get the full impact. Most of the wise birds avoid Big Bass Lake in “prime time” if they want to keep their feathers intact. During that prime time there are other birds of a different feather out sailing around the lake.

So bird watchers, get those eyes focused and your ears tuned to hear the real music of Big Bass Lake that doesn’t sound like the churn of a motor. You won’t be sorry!

Sun-Fed Lake Michigan

Can you see it? The sun is literally pouring itself into Lake Michigan! Maybe this will warm the lake up some? I like that possibility. Lake Michigan is a tad cool for me. I think this is a beautiful picture and it actually looks like the sun is emptying itself into the lake. I enjoy taking pictures of sunsets and sunrises on not only Lake Michigan but area lakes as well. Now that I live in Arizona I guess I’ll have to add in some Arizona lakes. We’ll see.

M-116 Private Lake Michigan Beach

Darlene and I swam yesterday at Lake Michigan just a few yards off M-116 which is the highway that runs between Ludington and Hamlin Dam. Each time I swim I like to pick out a new section to swim in and since there is a 7.1 mile area to choose from, I won’t be running out until my move to Arizona in September.

I’ll miss Lake Michigan most of all because it can’t be replicated. Your vista of the waters is neverending. I think I’ve said it before but this year it seems the lake has gone up from years past as there is less shoreline between the lake and the dunes than before.

Darlene and I brought along a couple of inner tubes to bob up and down on. It was a fairly wavy day so we got the best of what Lake Michigan has to offer. Darlene lasted only about twenty minutes and then left the lake to sun on the beach. When I come to the lake, I come to use it be it for jogging or swimming. I’ve even tried my hand at kayaking the lake but I won’t go into that dismal failure any time soon. Let’s just say that kayaks were made more for Michigan rivers than this grand lake.

And what about this view? Maybe I could bottle it when I move to Arizona?

Twas the Day AFTER Christmas at Big Bass Lake

Yes, Christmas was yesterday and for all the year round residents on Big Bass Lake multiple gifts were presented. Some of those could be used directly on the frozen lake. Things such as snowmobiles, ice skates, sleds or toboggans, and even fishing apparatus. Maybe even a shovel to remove some snow for ice skating purposes? Or some form of drill to bore through the ice for that ice fishing you covet?

Perhaps a few parka’s were in order or even some long underwear to help ward off those cold temperatures outside?

As for me and my cottage, I would have hoped there might have been some firestarters for that wood for my fireplace so that I could snuggle up to a warm fire and watch after Christmas movies. Ah, now wouldn’t that be a “Wonderful Life“?