M-116 Sand Dunes

What I like best about the large area of sand dunes between Ludington and its State Park is the wide variety of dunes that can be explored. Some come complete with large areas of trees while others are just dunes. I always come prepared with one of my two husky dogs, Frick or Frack, a compass, canteen, and some beef jerky. If I jog without a human companion my wife just calls me jerky.

I like to run up and down the dunes to strengthen my leg muscles.  I’ve heard that members of the Detroit Lions do much the same thing in the off-season.  Going uphill is the best exercise I could give my legs.  Yet I also enjoy my times of pure hiking as I set a good pace for my heart. 

Then in the summer I take an occasional dip into Lake Michigan to cool off.  And, in the winter, that fine sand often become biting as the wind literally picks it up and blows it all over the place.  Thus the M-116 Dunes are a year-long project for me.  Darlene loves to take photographs of them and I like to jog or hike them.  To each their own.  Well, it’s about time for me to leave the house for another jog at those dunes so see you next time I come a posting.

Christmas at the Hoffman Estates Boys Club

During the Christmas season at the Hoffman Estates Boys Club, our library was transported into a holiday mesh of Christmas trees and lights plus decorations galore. I set up three Christmas trees each year. Aside from our traditional party, those trees stayed up and lighted through the months of January and February.

The reason why was that there always seemed to be a let down in those two cold winter months that follows Christmas. The decorations came down around New Years Day but the trees remained. The kids seemed to appreciate that as whatever activity that took place in the library, be they quiz bowls or arts and crafts, were brought forth with even more gusto and enthusiasm.

In the evening the Christmas tree lights were turned on and the library overhead lights were turned off and some kids just went into the library to sit there refreshed. It seemed to have a real atmosphere of calmness for the kids. It became a fortress of solitude so to speak.

I think the kids enjoyed those extra two months of holiday cheer as they faced the grim nature of winter outside.

The Colors of Lake Michigan

On a sky blue day I just enjoy watching the many colors that Lake Michigan displays. In shallow water there are the light browns and it is where young children love to play and have the waves lap at their feet.  That gives way to a mixture of blue and brown in slightly deeper water.  Then comes the pure aqua color a little further out.

Then on the horizon where water greets the sky are the deep blues of the lake.  At times I like to just listen to the waves coming in while relaxing on the shore.  I shudder at those folks who listen to music on whatever device they carry with them while jogging or walking the shoreline.  What robbery when one can listen to the waves talking directly to you.

Suddenly the winds increase and the lake becomes a torrent of high waves and crashing surf.  The brown coloring extends a little further out as the bottom becomes roughed out displaying more of its hues. 

At sunset a whole new mixture of colors are displayed upon the lake and they can run the gamut from brilliant orange and yellows to deep purples depending on what the sky looks like.  I just love how our Creator paints His lake!

Hawks Property Now

Ed’s pretty busy this weekend hanging doors and putting the final touches on the interior at Big Bass Lake. We had an old cement structure at the bottom of the hill almost facing his Pier. It’s stored the oars and gasoline plus it connected the power to the house. I wonder if any of that remains? Where his Cottage is located it should be directly below at the bottom of the hill. I’m not sure how much renovation has taken place on the hillside. It may have been plowed over but it was a cement building. It was built into the side of the hill. It might make for an interesting Adventure in Paradise?