Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Is this putting your best foot forward? As young Jon was taking a nap at the cabin we rented near Big Bass Lake, I caught this photograph. Jon was a member of the Hoffman Estates Boys Club and after one of our hikes he drifted asleep in one of the living room chairs. Within seconds he was out like a light and his foot gently crossed over the arm of the chair to provide him for room for his slumber.

He was just starting to relax after that hike and he drifted away while the rest of us were talking. Sometimes a picture DOES say a thousand words! To allow Jon his privacy the rest of us left the cabin and walked down to the Little Manistee River to cool our feet. Under out cabin bedroom was a barbeque area. I never felt comfortable using the barbeque grill there so we moved it in front of the cabin.

About an hour later Jon joined us as if he had never drifted off into sleep and said he was only resting his eyes. Chris said they had about an hours rest. Jon didn’t believe him until he saw the evidence on another boy’s watch. After a few laughs we barbequed up some hamburgers and had a great evening.

By the way, Jon put his best foot forward again by volunteering to clean up the barbeque grill that night.

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