Danger: Hickory Tossock Moth Caterpillar

This fuzzy looking caterpillar may look cool but it is poisonous and is in central Michigan right now. Those hairs are embedded into your skin causing pain and a rash.

Contact your physician if you, your children, or pets come in contact with it. Do not let them crawl into your homes.

The Rock Tripe Plant

IMG_20170921_064524When I was a forest ranger I learned about survival. One never knows when they will be caught up being lost.  Nature’s supermarket provides the answer to survival. The best place to look for food are actually swamps. Have you ever heard of the rock tripe plant? You can largely find them grown on rocks. When you gather them up you must put them in water and boil them. This process must be repeated over and over again. The Rock tripe plant tastes like the white of an egg. It is somewhat starchy and chewy. So next time you’re lost look for some rocks and enjoy supper.

Vitamin K Foods

When you think of foods containing vitamin K a key thing to remember is THINK GREEN! My grandmother’s Garden was packed with green vegetables and often found on every meal table. She took great pride in her garden.

Many green leafy vegetables contain vitamin K are key to a healthy diet. At my grandmother’s Farm in Michigan I helped her shell green beans which was quite fun and made them taste even better since I had a part in it.

Which are some of your favorite vitamin K foods? They don’t necessarily all come in green but the majority do.

Green colored fruit also contains vitamin-k so eating your fruits and vegetables that are green will make you healthy. Why not start a Garden today for yourself and pack them with vegetables and fruits containing vitamin K.