Irons Festival

I haven’t mentioned much about Irons, Michigan, on this website thus far. My dad used to tell that in his day it took almost a half day to reach Irons by wagon. From our farm today it takes about ten minutes. I once attended a festival in Irons in mid July that featured a lot of “doings” including a parade. The Manistee Marching band was practicing along the Manistee National Forest and the twosome looked so out of place. The town inself is less than four or five blocks long with no stoplights whatsoever at least in 1992.

Yet the parade was an impressive one for so small a town with the band and sirens and even a float or two.

The big doings were at the park where you can see a lot of that activity in the picture above. In addition the town has a couple of restuarants and two churches. I once knew the sitting priest at the Catholic church who allowed me to play their organ on occassion.

For a small town, they became a big one for this week’s festival. It was similar to how Ludington swells to four times its size on the fourth of July.

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