Leisurely Day on Loon Lake

look how calm Loon Lake is today? There’s not even a ripple of a wave. The lake is almost smooth as glass. That means summer is not far away. I wonder what de kind of fish is most frequently caught in this Lake? I also wonder how good the fishing is in this Lake? Do they have a public landing? And where is the best place to fish on the lake? I’m a perch man myself. Between Loon Lake and Big Bass Lake it is only about a hundred yards. A lot of Lakes are close together up here. Check out Loon Lake next time you’re in the area.

Dr. Smith and a Bubble-Headed Booby

 do you remember the television series Lost in Space? There was a character called Dr. Smith who referred to the robot as a bubble-headed booby. Apparently we have another bubble headed booby.  These new devices appear difficult to control. I must confess they look rather fun but I don’t think I’d want to be in one. I saw two or three of these in the same area and they kept bouncing off each other and it was rather hilarious. I wonder what they’ll come up with next?

Night Time Rowing

on a trip with the Marion Boys Club we took a lot of Night Trips on Big Bass Lake. The kids eyes would get real big especially at night. They would watch the darkness of the water and trying to find out how deep we were. We circled the haunted island one night and the kids thought about how they would react on the night we would be going there. Especially they watched the interior of the island hoping to get a glance at the haunted house. I think they were all relieved each time we returned to Camp after an evening on the lake.

Strange Place to take a Bath

I thought Big Bass Lake was a good place to take a bath but not like this! I’m not sure who that is in that unique bathtub but I have a few ideas. It might be Sharon Salanetro trying to get the attention of our resident Monster Hunter? Or it might be Angela trying her best imitation of the cleanliness of Hyacinth Bucket? Then again I might be Jeannie trying to impress a former Suitor? Whoever it is the bubbles are really flowing. Hey, maybe it’s Mrs. Lawrence Welk?

In and Out Views of Fox Lake

This is the Union League Boys and Girls Club camp in Salem Wisconsin on Fox Lake. Behind the beach is the shower room and to the left is the swimming pool. The dock to your left in the first picture is also used to tie up boats.

What you see here is that dock and the boat house behind it. All the waterfront counselors managed that building. Out of the picture to the right is another dock where paddle boats are located. The first picture is the swimming area on the lake. Within 5 feet of the lake is the swimming pool which at its deepest is 4 feet. The pool is largely used for swimmers that don’t know how to swim. The beach was just put in this year. This camp services the Union League boys clubs of Chicago three buildings in. all