A Long Winter

As seasons go, this winter has been an unusually long and cold one in the Manistee National Forest especially so when it is your workplace day in and out.  But don’t get me wrong as I enjoy my work and I love this forest dearly.  It seems as if Michigan is down to two seasons these days as summer drifts right into winter and vice versa.  Spring and Fall seem never to happen as October warm days lead into the winter days of November and then winter doesn’t yield the ghost until nearly mid April. 

Perhaps its just me but fall and spring seem never to happen in Michigan.  Or they don’t happen to last as long as the calendar says they do.  Winter lasts about five months in Michigan and summer is about four months long which only leaves about three months for fall and spring  to share.  Does anyone else feel that way about Michigan weather?  Not that I’m complaining, mind you, as there are enough activities in each long season to suit me.  And since evergreens are always green, summer never seems to really lose its edge around here.  Perhaps that’s why they’re called evergreens?

According to my watch its almost time for our month and a half of spring?  I’m ready!

Our Cottage in Winter

My thanks to Donald who sent me many pictures of our former property on Big Bass Lake in winter time.

Here is a picture of our non-winterized cottage which stands ever so small to the other homes now built on that property which are not in view. If you can make out the windows to the left on the back side of the house, that was the living room which emptied into the kitchen. From that living room window one could view Big Bass Lake nearly to the bridge on the big island. Now extensive landscaping has taken place just behind our old cottage as a new back door is in view where once stood a mound of ground thus concealing the new lower level.

From the house and down the hill led to our pier. Thanks again, Donald , for a great picture

Frosty Loon Lake

Here is a good winter picture of Loon Lake which is just a good stones throw from Big Bass Lake to the south. No, you won’t find too many loons out there on this frigid day. Perhaps a few human “loonies” might be trying there hand at ice fishing on this particular cold day. The birds have taken wing for the south well before this time of the year.

Yes, and even a few Loon Lake people have headed for Florida. This year perhaps more for the inward lakes than that of the Gulf of Mexico as the oil spill from BP is still affecting the area and will be for some time to come.

I wonder how many year round residents there are at Loon Lake? If anyone lives around that lake let us know. And, then, put a few more logs in your fireplace so you will be quite warm after any outing at your lake.

Welcome to Skinner Park

Skinner Park is the gateway  to fun and adventure in Irons, Michigan.  Where else can you find a three block parade? Or a fantastic Flea Roast? Or the blessings of the snowmobiles? Or even Cowboy days? They’re all here in Irons and your family will have more fun than you can imagine.

And the park even has a museum of the days long gone of Camp Martin Johnson. Once located on prestige Big BassLake his house is now found here. Check it out!  

Winter at Big Bass Lake

It won’t be much longer until scenes like this replace the wintery waterscape of Big Bass Lake and snowmobiles will be stored away and speed boats dotting the lake again. Yes, the Big Bass Lake Public Landing will soon be bristling with boat trailers unloading their water craft for yet another season of fun and frolic on the waters of Big Bass Lake.

Yet winter on the lake does have its charm. Soon, though, the ice will be melting and before the big boats hit the water again there will be a time for rowboaters to have the lake to themselves. Come Memorial Day weekend that will all change but until then rowboaters and kayaks will have their day in the sun upon the lake.

Before the big boats return, docks will have to be reinstalled on the waterfront and other work done of boats to get them ready for the long summer ahead. Does anyone know about what time the ice does melt on Big Bass Lake?

Tubing is not just for summer anymore

IMG_20171003_203645 hey kids break out those inner tubes that we stored away last summer. That’s what I told my Hoffman Estates boys club kids as I took them and the inner tubes to a nearby Hill after a good snowfall. If they thought sledding or saucering was fun just wait till they tried inner tubes. Inner tubes Glide quickly down any Hill. The kids soon found out that I was right. They had the time of their life that day.