Rediscovering Tootsie Pops

 Even as I write this today I am enjoying a cherry Tootsie Pop. I enjoyed these as a child and I’m rediscovering them now at 70 years old. I still enjoy chocolate, cherry, Orange, and a new flavor called blue raspberry. Now Tootsie Pops come in an abundance of flavors including banana, mango, caramel, assortment of berry flavors, and peppermint. Plus there are many more flavors and they’re coming up with new ones all the time. Of course at the center of the Tootsie Pops are Tootsie Rolls. I’ve returned to the days of yesteryear- that Tootsie Roll rides Supreme again! By the way, they make good stocking. Stuffers too.

Mrs. Eugenia Honeywell

Mrs. Mark C. Honeywell was the first lady of Wabash Indiana. Wabash owes much to her. Unfortunately she died in a house fire many years ago. I personally knew Mrs. Honeywell when I broke her window when I was 11 years old. My parents made me go to her home to apologize. A lady met me at the door with cookies. I thought it was one of her servants but it was Mrs. Honeywell herself and she put me at ease right away. She was so cordial and nice. I paid her for the window and we became friends. She has given Wabash to the Honeywell Center which is a Performing Arts facility, the Honeywell Gardens, the Honeywell community pool, and the Eagle Theater which not only has movies but also live performances. Our High School football field was the first to have mercury vapor lights. Thank you Mrs. Honeywell for making Wabash your home.

Rumor Herd!

autumn3 I I heard a rumor the other day about a steer getting caught in a building. I don’t know if this was a bum steer or not? It was supposed to have taken place in Custer Michigan. To get his head caught in the building like this must have happened due to a stampede. The customers got the raw end of the deal because the rump is right in the restaurant. Maybe they should call this place the steer Inn? They steer you in and you get the best steak possible. Or rump roast whenever you prefer? Healthy eating!

Camp Martin Johnson Forever

I have a 1963 video today from Camp Martin Johnson. CMJ The camp closed in 1980 because the Hyde Park YMCA torpedoed the founders dream of a camp on Big Bass Lake. This website will keep that dream alive forever. Feel free anytime to explore our category Camp Martin Johnson. The rally cry is Camp Martin Johnson Forever.

Missing in Action: Sailboats on BBL

where can you find a sailboat on Big Bass Lake today? What you do find on the lake are high powered speed boats, jet skis, pontoon boats, and motorboats. With all that water churning action it makes Little room for row boats, paddle boats, or sailboats. These kind of watercraft would be pushed out of the way by high powered speed boats. Of course at Big Bass Lake, they could be used after Labor Day until Memorial Day. But in the peak periods of Summer they’re almost out of the question. So when will we see sailboats doing summer again on Big Bass Lake?