Special Sauble Lake by Dale

I grew up on Sauble Lake at least the main one. In those days The Emporium was open and I loved shopping there with my mom. I don’t think any place had better ice cream then they did. On weekends I’d get to roller skate at The Loon Lake roller rink. It was a blast. I loved the ice cream there too. We moved away from Sauble Lake when I was 11. I’ve never been back since. I now live in Washington State and it’s a long haul back in Sauble Lake. I used to love swimming in that lake. I wasn’t much for fishing but swimming was another thing. I ran across this website the other day and have submitted this article which I hope they will publish. I come here occasionally to reminisce. Keep up the good work guys.

Loon Lake Shoreline

Aside from going to the Loon Lake Roller Rink along with traveling the road alongside Loon Lake en route to Big Bass Lake, I haven’t spent a whole lot of time thinking about this lake.  I used to look out the open windows at the rink to catch a breather from skating and always thought I heard some sort of camp on the northeast shore?  That was back in the 1950-1960’s. 

I was even more amazed to read the history of Martin Johnson, founder of his camp on Big Bass Lake.  He spent a whole summer at Loon Lake little realizing that Big Bass Lake was less than two stone throws away  But then that short stretch between the two lakes was heavily wooded.  I often wonder why he decided not to stay upon Loon Lake to build his eventual camp and why he then chose to move on to Big Bass Lake? 

Are there any stories circulating around about Loon Lake that anyone would care to share by way of a comment?

A Tiny House for Big Bass Lake by Bennett

This would be the perfect house for Big Bass Lake. Unfortunately this house is in Wales.tiny house This just over 2 Minutes video will Amaze you. They never mentioned the price of this house but it can’t be too much. What do you think? Leave us a comment.

Noreika Road in Winter

This road cut through the  middle section of our property. That area at the turn also goes straight into the forest as a path. Suppose you could drive that path for about 100 Yards before it might get too wet. It’s a beautiful location. Noreika was my grandparents last name. This is my grandfather Joseph Noreika who passed away in 1956. He was born in Lithuania and made our property a home. 

An Idea For Grandma’s Hat Island

No, this isn’t Grandma’s Hat/ Tiny Tim Island. But it could be! This is an island in New York State. Could you see Grandma’s Hat looking like this on Big Bass Lake? A small house like this could fit on that island but not much more. What a view they would have of the lake with all of the speed boats buzzing by. Then again, not much privacy. They would have a great swimming beach. Presently all of the other Islands but one have homes on them. If this were to happen at Grandma’s Hat the somewhat larger Turtle Island may wish to respond? Time will tell at Big Bass Lake.